PR points Criteria for Invitation Round

criteria for invitation rounds

Everyone immigrants in Australia dream of getting Pr. But it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. You must meet the minimum PR points or criteria for invitation rounds listed by the immigration office in order to get Australian PR.

You may be confused about this so today I am going to write about the PR points criteria for invitation rounds for you.

Today we will learn about PR and how you can claim Australian PR. You must hold the PR for permanent residency in Australia. You must score points and get minimum PR points in order to apply for PR.

One of these requirements for eligibility, for any kind of skilled visa; Subclass 190 visa, Skilled nominated visa, Subclass 189 visa, or Skilled Independent, must be met if you are looking for permanent residency in Australia.

The minimum points criteria for invitation rounds is 65. You must at least score 65 points for getting an invitation. Depending upon your score or whether you are a high scorer, you receive an invitation to apply for PR from the Australian Department of Home affairs.

But 65 is not the end of PR points. You will have to wait at least a year with that minimum point. On the other side, if you have obtained 80 or 85 PR points then you are likely to receive an invitation within a year. Otherwise the backlog period has stretched up to 33 months or more.

You can score these PR points through multiple factors. The applicants will receive points from multiple criteria ranging from Age to Work experience and proficiency in the English Language.

You must try your very best to score a minimum of 65 points in order to get the invitation. But it is best to score at least 70 points to get invited for PR.

The invitation rounds for Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189) and Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) are expected to run each month. These visas are family-sponsored visas.

The number of invitations may vary in each round depending on the number of applications being processed by the Department.

Note: State or territory government nominations for Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) will not be impacted by the departmental invitation rounds.

The Government is closely monitoring migration and visa settings to ensure they are consistent with public health measures, are flexible and do not displace job opportunities for Australians, so that Australia can effectively respond to the immediate and subsequent impacts of COVID-19. As such, targeted invitation rounds have occurred since May 2020.

The Department will run quarterly invitation rounds for the remainder of the 2020-21 program year. The next invitation round will run in January 2021.

Australian PR points Criteria for Invitation Rounds


You might have not thought this but age also gives you a certain point for PR. You will receive the points according to the age group you fall into at the time of application submission.

18 - 2425
25 - 3230
33 - 3925
40 - 4415
45 - 490
English language proficiency

The immigrants must pass the IELTS exam before settling in Australia. It is proof that you can read, listen and speak English.

But the applicants whose native language is English or are from English speaking countries and applicants who have been awarded a tertiary degree from a University where English Is the major language do not need to take an English Language proficiency test.

However, in order to claim the points of Proficient English language skills, all applicants must take the IELTS test.

English Language Proficiency (IELTS Score)Points
Superior (IELTS score of 8 or more)20
Proficient (IELTS score of 7 or more)10
Competent (IELTS score of 6 or more)0

PTE Academic is accepted by the Australian Government as a proof of English Language proficiency for all visa categories.

English Language Proficiency LevelTest ComponentsPTE academic score
FunctionalOverall score30
Vocational Listening36
Proficient (for points tested skilled visas)Listening65
Superior (for points tested skilled visas)Listening79
Skilled Employment

If you have some job experience, then you can get certain points for Australian PR. The points differ with the level of experience. More the years of experience in a skilled occupation, higher the points. You must have the certificate either of Australia or another country. The point differs for the experience gained inside and outside of Australia.

Time of skilled employment within Australia (within last ten years)Points
1 year5
3 year 10
5 year15
8 year20
Time of skilled employment outside Australia (within last 10 years)Points
3 year5
5 year10
8 year15

Note: The points from both tables can be combined if you have experience within and outside of Australia but the maximum points awarded will be 20.

Educational Qualification

The points for applicants in education qualification criteria are based on the highest qualification. The qualification must be related to the applicant’s nominated occupation. The education qualification will usually be verified during the skill assessment for the applicant’s nominated occupation.

Bachelor's or Mater's degree15
Australia Diploma or trade qualification10
Award or qualification recognised by the assesing authority in an
assessment of skilled occupation
Australia Qualification

Applicants will be awarded 5 PR points if they complete an Australian qualification from an Australian educational institution. This qualification must be earned from an Australian institution while they are in Australia. The course you are studying must be at least two years in length.

Australian QualificationsPoints
Any degree, diploma or trade qualification earned in Australia after at least 2
years of study
Community Language Skills

Applicants can gain 5 PR points on clearing the Community Credential Language test. The test is taken by NAATI which tests the ability of individuals to translate native language to English and English to native language.

It’s the easiest way to increase your score point. If you want more information about it you can write to me or even give me a call to learn in detail about it.

Language SkillsPoints
NAATI recognised translator/interpreter level skills in a community language5
Spouse/partners skills and qualification

Your spouse or partner can add some points to the Australian PR points. He/she must not be an Australian citizen and meet some of the basic requirements (listed above) for age, English language proficiency and nominated occupation.

Spouse/partner skills and qualificationPoints
Spouse/partner meets basic requirements5
Professional year

An approved professional year in Australia in the last 4 years can grant you 5 PR points. You must be engaged in a structured development professional program that includes formal training with on-the-job experience.

Professional yearPoints
completed a professional year in Australia in the last 4 years5
Nomination and Sponsorship (subclass 190 and subclass 489 only)

Applicants sponsored by Australian state or Territory government are awarded 5 PR points.

Sponsorship or NominationPoints
Nomination by a state or territory government under a State Migration Plan
for a skilled nominated visa (subclass 190) application
Nominated by a state or territory government under a State Migration Plan,
or an eligible relative, to a designated area for a Skilled Nominated or
Sponsored Visa (subclass 489) application


I hope this blog helps you to calculate your PR points and help you to apply for you.

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